FIDDLERS THREE By Agatha Christie

ActorsNET begins its 27th Season with the last written play by the Queen of Crime.  Agatha Christie’s “Fiddlers Three,” a comedy about business and finance with a strong undercurrent of criminal activity, takes the Heritage Center stage from October 13 to October 29.

Following several revisions and simplifications to the script by the author, Christie’s play – originally titled “Fiddlers Five” – combines witty banter, elaborate schemes, and a confounding murder.  The premise follows a group of young people who hide the body of a dead tycoon as they try to get their hands on more than a little inheritance. What starts as a lark, quickly becomes all too serious when they discover that the body is in fact a murder victim! 

With “Fiddlers Three,” Christie has deserted her well-known path of the whodunnit type of thrillers and stepped into the realms of black comedy which makes the play unique. Maryalice Rubins-Topoleski, the show’s director, says “This play is a delightful blend of humor, intricate plotting, and a dash of criminal mischief. It’s a special gem in Christie’s repertoire that will keep audiences guessing and laughing in equal measure.”

Fiddlers Three is directed by Maryalice Rubins-Topoleski with Charlotte Kirkby as assistant director. The show stars Morgan Petronis as Sally Blunt, Esh Ryans as Sam Fletcher, Steve Lobis as Felix Bogusian, Emile Wong as Henry Panhacker, Rick Pine as Jonathan Panhacker and Mr. Moss, Adrianna Gonzales as the Air Hostess, Nicholas Pecht as Mr. Trustcott and Dr. Nolan, Karolina Matyka as Gina Jones, and Bill Sismour as the Waiter.  The play is produced by Hayley Rubins-Topoleski and stage managed by Em Ricciardi. 

The Heritage Center Theatre is located at 635 North Delmorr Avenue, Morrisville – near the Calhoun Street Bridge.  Show times are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. There will be a special Saturday matinee at 2:00 p.m. on October 28th. Doors open one half hour before show time. “Fiddlers Three” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. 

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